Drs. Farner, McBride, Brown and Wilson

Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Orthopedic Surgery

We understand that knowing what to expect from your joint replacement experience is important to you. As you are reading through this material, please reach out to us if you have additional questions.

Stryker machines

Each patient is unique and can experience joint pain for different reasons. It’s important to consider the reason for your joint pain so you can understand the treatment options available to you. Pain from arthritis and joint degeneration can be constant or come and go, occur with movement or after a period of rest, or be located in one spot or many parts of the body. It is common for patients to try medication and other conservative treatments to treat their knee or hip pain. If you haven’t experienced adequate relief with those treatment options, you may be a candidate for Mako SmartRobotics™ for total knee, total hip, or partial knee replacement.

Personalized Surgical Plan

Mako SmartRobotics™ is an innovative solution for many suffering from painful arthritis of the knee or hip. Mako uses 3D CT-based planning software so your surgeon can know more about your anatomy to create a personalized joint replacement surgical plan. This 3D model is used to preplan and assist your surgeon in performing your joint replacement procedure.

Reduced Risk of Complications

In the operating room, your surgeon follows your personalized surgical plan while preparing the bone for the implant. The surgeon guides Mako’s robotic arm within the predefined area, and Mako’s AccuStop™ technology helps the surgeon stay within the planned boundaries that were defined when the personalized preoperative plan was created. By guiding your doctor during surgery, Mako Technology allows your surgeon to cut less by cutting precisely what’s planned to help protect your healthy bone. 1-8 This helps provide more accurate placement, reducing the risk of complications.

It’s important to understand that the surgery is performed by an orthopedic surgeon, who guides Mako’s robotic arm during the surgery to position the implant in the knee and hip joints. The Mako System does not perform surgery, make decisions on its own or move without the surgeon guiding it. Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery also allows your surgeon to make adjustments to your plan during surgery as needed.

Total Knee vs. Partial Knee Replacement

Based on the severity of the arthritis in the knee, total or partial knee replacement may be recommended by a surgeon. Both procedures involve the orthopedic surgeon guiding Mako’s robotic arm to remove diseased bone and cartilage.

early stage knee illustration
Early Stage

Candidate for Partial Knee Replacement

midstage knee illustration

Candidate for Partial or Total Knee Replacement

late stage knee illustration
Late Stage

Candidate for Total Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

Partial Knee replacement is a treatment option for adults living with early- to midstage osteoarthritis (OA) that has not yet progressed to all three compartments of the knee. Depending on where the arthritis affects the knee, patients may have an implant inserted in any of the following areas:

  • In a unicondylar knee replacement, only one area (or compartment) of the joint is replaced.
  • A patellofemoral knee replacement replaces the kneecap (or patella) and the grove at the lower end of the thighbone (or femur).
  • A bicompartmental knee replacement affects two compartments of the knee – the inside (medial) and knee cap.
Biocompartmental knee replacement
medial knee replacement
Medial (inside)
Patellofemoral knee replacement
Patellofemoral (top)
Lateral knee replacement
Lateral (outside)

Total Knee Replacement 

In comparison, total knee replacement is a treatment option for adults living with mid- to late-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. With a Mako Total Knee replacement, the entire knee joint is replaced, and the surgeon inserts a Triathlon Total Knee implant. With over a decade of clinical history, Triathlon knee replacements are different than traditional knee replacements because they are designed to work with the body to promote natural-like circular motion. 9-11

Total Hip Replacement 

Total hip replacement is intended for patients who suffer from noninflammatory or inflammatory degenerative joint disease (DJD). Some forms of DJD include osteoarthritis (OA), post-traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), avascular necrosis (AVN) and hip dysplasia.

arthritic hip
An Arthritic Hip with Diseased Cartilage
A replaced hip with a hip implant
A Replaced Hip with a Hip Implant

Our Surgeons

Alexander Brown

Dr. Alexander Brown's profile
Hip and Knee Surgeon

Dr. Scott Farner

Dr. Scott Farner's profile
Hip and Knee Surgeon

Dr. Anthony McBride

Dr. Anthony McBride's profile
Hip and Knee Surgeon

Dr. Reid Wilson

Dr. Reid Wilson's profile
Hip and Knee Surgeon

Ask Your Doctor About RecoveryCOACH

Use the RecoveryCOACH app to:

  • Access information to help prepare for surgery
  • Stay connected with guidance every step of the way
  • Inform your healthcare provider of important information about your home, who is going to support you, how prepared you are feeling, and your recovery progress

Your healthcare provider will automatically enroll you when your surgery is scheduled. Once your enrollment is complete you will receive an email with your login instructions.


    Knee & hip replacements

    Knee and hip replacement is intended for use in individuals with joint disease resulting from degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, fracture of the neck of the femur or functional deformity of the hip.

    Knee joint replacement is intended for use in individuals with joint disease resulting from degenerative, rheumatoid and post- traumatic arthritis, and for moderate deformity of the knee.

    Joint replacement surgery is not appropriate for patients with certain types of infections, any mental or neuromuscular disorder which would create an unacceptable risk of prosthesis instability, prosthesis fixation failure or complications in postoperative care, compromised bone stock, skeletal immaturity, severe instability of the joint, or excessive body weight.

    Like any surgery, joint replacement surgery has serious risks which include, but are not limited to, pain, infection, bone fracture, change in the treated leg length (hip), joint stiffness, hip joint fusion, amputation, peripheral neuropathies (nerve damage), circulatory compromise (including deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs)), genitourinary disorders (including kidney failure), gastrointestinal disorders (including paralytic ileus (loss of intestinal digestive movement)), vascular disorders (including thrombus (blood clots), blood loss, or changes in blood pressure or heart rhythm), bronchopulmonary disorders (including emboli, stroke or pneumonia), heart attack, and death.

    Implant related risks which may lead to a revision of the implant include dislocation, loosening, fracture, nerve damage, heterotopic bone formation (abnormal bone growth in tissue), wear of the implant, metal and/or foreign body sensitivity, soft tissue imbalance, osteolysis (localized progressive bone loss), audible sounds during motion, reaction to particle debris , and reaction to metal ions (ALTR). Knee and hip implants may not provide the same feel or performance characteristics experienced with a normal healthy joint.

    The information presented is for educational purposes only. Speak to your doctor to decide if joint replacement surgery is appropriate for you. Individual results vary and not all patients will return to the same activity level. The lifetime of any joint replacement is limited and depends on several factors like patient weight and activity level. Your doctor will counsel you about strategies to potentially prolong the lifetime of the device, including avoiding high-impact activities, such as running, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. It is important to closely follow your doctor’s instructions regarding post-surgery activity, treatment and follow-up care. Ask your doctor if a joint replacement is right for you.

    Stryker Corporation or its other divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: AccuStop, Mako, SmartRobotics, Stryker, Triathlon. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.

    1. Bell SW, Anthony I, Jones B, MacLean A, Rowe P, Blyth M. Improved accuracy of component positioning with robotic-assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: data from a prospective, randomized controlled study. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016;98(8):627-635. doi:10.2106/JBJS.15.00664
    2. Illgen RL, Bukowski BR, Abiola R, et al. Robotic-assisted total hip arthroplasty: outcomes at minimum two year follow up. Surg Technol Int. 2017;30:365-372.
    3. Mahoney O, Kinsey T, Mont M, Hozack W, Orozco F, Chen A. Can computer generated 3D bone models improve the accuracy of total knee component placement compared to manual instrumentation? A prospective multi-center evaluation. Poster presented at: 32nd Annual Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty; October 2-5, 2019; Toronto, Canada.
    4. Suarez-Ahedo C, Gui C, Martin TJ, Chandrasekaran S, Lodhia P, Domb BG. Robotic-arm assisted total hip arthroplasty results in smaller acetabular cup size in relation to the femoral head size: a matched-pair controlled study. Hip Int. 2017;27(2):147-152. doi:10.5301/hipint.5000418
    5. Kayani B, Konan S, Pietrzak JRT, Haddad FS. Iatrogenic bone and soft tissue trauma in robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty compared with conventional jig-based total knee arthroplasty: a prospective cohort study and validation of a new classification system. J Arthroplasty. 2018;33(8):2496-2501. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2018.03.042
    6. Hozack WJ. Multicentre analysis of outcomes after robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint J:Orthop Proc. 2018;100-B(Supp_12):38.
    7. Banks SA. Haptic robotics enable a systems approach to design of a minimally invasive modular knee arthroplasty. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ0. 2009;38(2 Suppl):23-27.
    8. Hampp E, Chang TC, Pearle A. Robotic partial knee arthroplasty demonstrated greater bone preservation compared to robotic total knee arthroplasty. Poster presented at: Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting; February 2-5, 2019; Austin, TX.
    9. Piazza S. Designed to maintain collateral ligament stability throughout the range of motion. Stryker-Initiated Dynamic Computer Simulations of Passive ROM and Oxford Rig Test. 2003.
    10. Wang H, Simpson KJ, Ferrara MS, Chamnongkich S, Kinsey T, Mahoney OM. Biomechanical differences exhibited during sit-to-stand between total knee arthroplasty designs of varying radii. J Arthroplasty. 2006;21(8):1193-1199. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2006.02.172
    11. Gómez-Barrena E, Fernandez-García C, Fernandez-Bravo A, Cutillas-Ruiz R, Bermejo-Fernandez G. Functional performance with a single-radius femoral design total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010;468(5):1214-1220. doi:10.1007/s11999-009-1190-2

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